
It's really hard not to start a journal with "So-"

As you can tell by dint of your reading this, (If in fact you exist) I've started a journal.

Your first impression of my written persona is probably already well formed. I'm clearly arrogant due to my brisk sentences and lack of small talk and pacing during what may turn out to be quite a significant moment for me.

You have probably also ascertained that I am a smart-arse due to my irritating first line, and subsequent pretentious deconstruction of my own writing in real time.

It is even possible that you have taken notice of my refusal to use the word "blog". Clearly I'm far too pretentious for such terminology, and "journal" must needs suffice. In actuality, it's because I'm from the City of Liverpool, in North West England, and the word "blog" sounds awful in my accent, and even hearing the little voice in my head read it aloud is mildly unpleasant. I'm given to understand that other people feel this way about the word "moist".

I will say in my defense that I'm not doing any of this to seem clever and post-modern and interesting. I just couldn't really think of any proper way to start my first journal, since everything I thought of over the tortuous 3 minutes of mental grappling I did before writing this, was crippled by insecurities and doubts. So instead I thought it might be fun to simply list those doubts instead.

Anyway, now that that's over and done with, it's time to broach on what this will actually be all about.

Basically, I'm just going to be regurgitating the contents of my mind onto here whenever I find something interesting to talk about, or feel compelled to present something that's been intriguing or bothering me to the world. (Read: few people who read this because I asked them too and they're too foolish and compassionate to openly betray me.) These will largely be unplanned essays or just notes on things, littered with errors and things for you to disagree with me on. And please do. You don't have to be mean or aggressive about criticism of me, it's why I'm doing this; for the conversation.

For the most part, the posts will cover the following topics which are close to my gnarled and desiccated little ventricles:

Both the type of science for amateur enthusiasts, which will compose of hugely impressive facts and anecdotes from the world of science, and more hardcore, proper science, including explanations of some misunderstood theories in physics and just general soliloquies on my love of our universe. 

Rationalism/Skepticism/Free Thought/Atheism/etc.
Expect a lot on this, primarily because to the liberal, politically inclined journal-writer this is not just bread and butter, but also water, shelter, sunlight and a renewable source of enormous edible breasts. This is primarily due to the constant feuding and fighting going on around these issues.

I deliberated for upwards of 10 seconds before writing the word "Reviews" up there. Because even though that's what it will feel like, the things I write about Television, Films and Games will be a lot closer to impassioned ravings either elevating something to the level of Stephen Fry with a cybernetic implant that enables his voice to forever relieve you of itchiness , or condemning it to an eternity sitting paralysed in a chair while a grandmother fidgets ineffectually with the remote so the television just flicks back and forward between teleshopping and some hideous nightmare world where people pretend to sing for one another's entertainment.

Not with guns (which aren't allowed in this little corner of civilisation). I mean metaphorical poaching. The collection of misinformed, ignorant, hateful, evil bigots and subsequent process of hitting them with an intellectual firing squad, combined with a healthy amount of mockery. (Not to be cruel. Showing that harmful ideas are not to be taken seriously is a hugely important step in combating them.)

Basically, that's it. There's just one more thing that I've decided to add on a whim, literally right as I'm writing this. Every time I make a blog post, I will recommend a song for you to listen to for homework. This week, with Breaking Bad going out in impeccable style, there can be only one choice. 

This has been an Empirical Opinions journal, allow me to play you out:

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